Monday, September 9, 2013

Lake Granby Camping

Panoramic Views from Stillwater Campground
Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) made a nice escape from the summer heat this weekend - and all the better in the Airstream at a campground that overlooks an expansive mountain lake with a cool mist rising over the waters each morning.  Afternoons were spent hiking rain-fresh trails and then relaxing back at camp with a good book and a warm cup of coffee as early evening thunderstorms set in each day.  Sometimes I wish the weekend would never end!

Rocky Mountain Views over Lake Granby from the Airstream Portal
A hike along the Crater Trail in RMNP starts out in lush, dense forest.

The Crater Trail soon breaks out above tree line to open tundra and expansive views of the Never Summer Range
Photogenic fungi along the Colorado River hiking trail on the way to the Lulu City site.
At the headwaters of the Colorado River across from Lulu City.  Hard to imagine that this stream eventually grows to carve out the Grand Canyon.

Grand Lake Lodge provides a scenic side trip and mountainside views of Grand Lake Village.
Views from Grand Lake Lodge

Home away from home at Stillwater Campground on Lake Granby, CO

Rare sighting of a vintage Airstream Bambi (1961) at the campground.


  1. Nice blog. Read nearly all of it this morning. I especially like your layout, using the introductory paragraph and a photo with a link to the full story below. That works well.I also use Blogspot. Can you tell me how you created that format?

    I also was intrigued by the biolite stove.

    1. Hi Wayne - thanks.

      Adding and arranging images is a very klunky process in Blogspot, but I am too lazy to check out other options :-), so I guess I am stuck with it for the time being. It works well enough though for the kind of simple stuff I am trying to do. The layout is based on one of the Blogspot templates that you can access from the "design" menu. The picture and intro paragraph is accomplished using the "jump break" feature when in edit mode. The jump break is added by clicking on the icon that looks like a broken page in the menu bar.

      I am still really liking the little biolite stove. I tried it again this weekend and had better success with its ability to charge my smartphone.

      Best of luck to you, and thanks for stopping by my blog.

